
Our services are grounded in the early practices of the Church, in the things that Christians have always been about everywhere.

We did not just make this up as we were going along, but we have learned from the wisdom of those who have gone before us, recognizing that God used many of the same practices in their lives to shape them into extraordinary men and women of God.

We meet on Sundays, first and foremost, to worship God and to join in with the constant celebration that is going in heaven. That is why everything we do in our worship services point us to God: He is the one who is worth all our attention.

We encourage you to come and see what we’re about. We believe that you will, in some way, encounter Jesus Christ as you join us to worship Him.

Three Streams of Christian Faith & Life

At Christ Church we are shaped by, and deeply connected to, three great streams of classic Christian belief and practice:

The Scripture.

Our focus on Scripture mirrors the “evangelical” tradition within Christianity that emphasizes the authority of Scripture, the proclamation of the Gospel, the need for a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, evangelism and outreach/missions. The Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) believes and upholds eternal truths revealed by God through His Son and His Word. We recognize Scripture as the final authority in matters of faith and practice and proclaim Jesus Christ as the unique Son of God, believing that salvation is found in His sacrificial death and Resurrection alone, which we attain by grace through faith in Him.

The Sacramental.

Christ Church embraces the sacred nature of the historic faith and sacramental life of the Church – God has set the Church apart as holy. Sometimes termed the “catholic” tradition, we understand the sacred as embodying that which has been taught and believed within the one holy catholic apostolic church throughout the centuries, as expressed in the Creeds and 39 Articles of Religion. Liturgy (forms of worship) and our sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper (Holy Eucharist) are rooted in the earliest Christian church and express these truths.

The Spirit.

We celebrate the power of God’s Spirit at work in the Church and the world, a focus often associated with the “charismatic” tradition. The ACNA believes God’s Spirit was poured out at Pentecost and continues to move in a mighty way by demonstrating His presence through powerful acts and the transformation of believers. We believe the Spirit of God guides, instructs and equips believers for works of service.


Together, the three streams of the Scripture, the Spirit and the Sacramental define the core values that shape our identity and guide the expressions of our faith – our words, our actions and our worship. We are committed to extending the kingdom of God through evangelism by the power of the Holy Spirit through calling people into a saving relationship with Christ and making disciples who make disciples. We build congregations through relational ministry that express the love, intimacy and unity of God as revealed in the relationship of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Liturgical Worship

This video explains the "what" and the "why" behind liturgical worship.